1 | 他非得先躲一躲,同时尽力设法把身上弄得可以见人。 | He must hide away in the meantime and make himself as presentable as possible | |
2 | 同时,大家还要参加新郎新娘与家人的告别仪式。 | In the meantime , the audience listens to the bride and bridegroom’s farewell ceremony. | |
3 | 同时,革命胜利引起了社会经济改组。 | In the meantime our victory in the revolution has led to the reorganization of our social economy | |
4 | 同时,供应管理协会(ism)今天发表的调查报告显示,美国服务业六月的产值也告增加,虽然增加的速度没有五月快。 | In the meantime , a survey report released by ism today shows that there is also an increase in output value in the US service sector, though the pace of increase is not as fast as that in May | |
5 | 同时,梅赛德斯-奔驰与中国道路交通安全协会合作,向全国其它省市发放了八万份海报,宣传新《交通法》。 | In the meantime Mercedes-Benz and the Road Traffic Safety Association of China circulated 80,000 posters to provinces nationwide explaining the new traffic safety law. | |
6 | 同时,请牢记我们最诚挚的心愿和为您服务的热望 | In the meantime , please be assured of our most cordial good wishes and of our desire to be of service. | |
7 | 同时,酸雨越来越受到专家和公众的关注。 | In the meantime , acid rain received increasing attention from environmentalists and the general public | |
8 | 同时,他们将回家去收拾行李。 | In the meantime they would go home and pack up. | |
9 | 同时,外圈钳形围攻的部队已经会师合围。 | In the meantime the outer pincers had met and closed | |
10 | 同时,我们的对外开放采取了多种方式,包括搞经济特区,开放十四个沿海城市。 | In the meantime , we have implemented the policy of opening China to the outside world in many ways, including setting up special economic zones and opening 14 coastal cities. | |
11 | 同时,许可方应向被许可方特快专递航空提单和所交付的技术资料详细清单各一式二份。 | In the meantime , Licensor shall dispatch by express mail to Licensee two (2)copies of the airway bill and detailed list of the dispatched Technical Documentation. | |
12 | 同时,要从全局出发,坚决贯彻执行国务院关于制止乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款的各项规定,对各种收费进行清理整顿,切实减轻个体、私营经济业户的税外负担,保证查帐征收工作的顺利进行。 | In the meantime , they should proceed from the overall situation, resolutely implement various rules of the State Council concerning curbing arbitrary collections of fees, unjustified financial levies and indiscriminate fines, conduct a sorting out and consolidation in collection of fees and earnestly alleviate the non-tax payments of business households of self-employed private economy so as to ensure the smooth implementation of the work of taxation on audit of accounts. | |
13 | 同时,要对核发个体、私营经济业户营业执照和税务登记证的情况进行一次联合清理检查。 | In the meantime , a joint sorting out and inspection shall be conducted on the status of the issuance of business licenses to business households of self-employed private economy and taxation registration. | |
14 | 同时,要组织广大干部努力学习和掌握有关方针政策、法律法规和专业知识,不断提高业务工作水平 | In the meantime , numerous cadres should be organized to study hard and master relevant policies, laws and regulations and professional knowledge and constantly raise professional levels. | |
15 | 同时,一架苏联战斗机在萨哈林岛附近击落韩国波音747班机的事件,又使美苏关系僵持起来。 | U.S.-Soviet relations were transfixed in the meantime by the shooting down of a Korean Air Lines 747 by a Soviet fighter near Sakhalin Island | |
16 | 同时,在部分海关试行了“首问负责制”服务,对各界联系工作或咨询业务,实行“先一口接收、后内部分工”的做法。 | In the meantime , some customs offices have initiated a pilot project called "guaranteed satisfactory solution system", meaning whoever taking the first enquiry must be responsible for a guaranteed satisfactory solution | |
17 | 同时,注重培养兼通行政管理、经营管理、现代科技等知识的复合型人才,逐步提高文物部门专业人员的比例。 | In the meantime , lay stress on the training of multi-talented personnel with concurrent mastery of knowledge of administration, operational management and modern science and technology, and increase step by step the percentage of specialized personnel in departments of cultural relics. | |
18 | 同时按照中国的特定条件,形成了一系列的特殊政策,有其独一无二的特征。这些特区有如下特点 | In the meantime , a series of special policies were formulated in the light of China’ s specific conditions, forming a unique style of features. These SEZs have the following characteristics: | |
19 | 同时必须充分地看到:第一,和平与发展已成为当今时代的主题, | In the meantime , we must be well aware of the following factors: First, peace and development have become the main themes of the present era . | |
20 | 同时还要查阅词典,记语法规则。 | In the meantime , consult dictionaries and memorize grammatical rules. | |
21 | 同时据一名官员说,在今早恢复的炮轰行动中,印度对巴基斯坦控制下的克什米尔地区展开的炮轰,导致巴基斯坦方面丧生人数增加到十二人。 | In the meantime , an official said that in the shelling that was resumed this morning, India’s shelling on the Pakistan-controlled kashmir has caused the death toll of Pakistanis to rise to 12 | |
22 | 同时克莱德在那个新的指点他的人照应下,正在恭听一大套从来没有听到过的教言。 | In the meantime , Clyde, in tow of this new mentor, was listening to a line of information such as never previously had come to his ears anywhere | |
23 | 同时卖方还应航寄给买方下列文件,每件一式六份 | In the meantime the Seller shall airmail the following documents in six (6)duplicate copies to the buyer | |
24 | 同时我国仍面临着营养缺乏与营养失衡的双重挑战。 | However, in the meantime China is still facing the dual challenges of nutrition deficiency and nutrition imbalance. | |
25 | 同时西部经济的潜力将得到更大的释放。 | In the meantime , the economic potential of the western regions could be tapped to a deeper degree. | |
26 | 同时要加强对个体、私营经济的税收征管工作,强化查帐征收,创造公平竞争的环境,促进个体、私营经济健康发展。 | in the meantime , tax collection administration of the self-employed private economy shall be strengthened and tax collection on audit of accounts shall be intensified so as to create an environment of fair competition and promote the healthy development of the self-employed private economy. | |
27 | 同时要总结新的实践经验努力培育新的作风。 | In the meantime , it is necessary to foster a new style on the basis of summing up new and practical experiences. | |
28 | 我可以用这点时间去 | I will, in the meantime , go and prepare the young man for this much-desired interview, for I presume that he is not less impatient for it than yourself." | |
29 | 我们在这时等待着 | In the meantime we waited | |
30 | 我们这样说,根据之一,就是在这段时间里,我们完全有能力把教育搞上去,提高我国的科学技术水平,培养出数以亿计的各级各类人才。 | One of the reasons we can say so is that in the meantime , we shall be able to develop education, raise the scientific and technological level of the country and train hundreds of millions of people in all disciplines and at all levels. |